Frequently asked questions

This FAQ contains all the information that we frequently get asked. If you want to know something that isn’t listed below, please contact us

Drone view of the fountain area of Vivary Park with people milling about the catering area and views of the plant village and the bees and honey tent.
A display of sunflowers from the children section in the Competition marquee. Small sunflowers have funny googly eyes and pipe cleaner arms.
Ready Steady Garden Competition on Friday
When is the 2025 Show2024-11-20T13:24:49+00:00

The 2025 show will be held on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd August 2025 in Vivary Park, Taunton

When is the 2024 Show2023-02-07T13:16:08+00:00

The 2024 show will be held on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd August 2024 in Vivary Park, Taunton

How do I buy tickets?2023-07-18T16:14:13+00:00

Tickets for Taunton Flower Show can be purchased through our website here

They can also be purchased from Taunton Visitors Centre and Hatchers

Are dogs allowed at Taunton Flower Show?2023-06-27T11:15:11+00:00

Disabled visitors needing assistance dogs will be allowed to bring their dog into the show ground.

All other dogs will NOT be allowed at the show. 

Vivary Park is a small showground and, in places paths and spaces are very narrow and can get very crowded at times, which makes it unsafe to have dogs in the showground. As we hire Vivary Park to put on Taunton Flower Show, we must return it in a clean condition, which means our volunteers would have to clear up after dogs. We do not feel it is right to ask people who have volunteered their time to do this. We are also aware that, as a family friendly show, there are lots of children who are uncomfortable around dogs.

Please do NOT to leave dogs in your cars whilst you attend the show – the weather is often very hot.

What are the opening hours of the show2023-02-07T13:21:25+00:00

The show opens on Friday to the public at 10:30 (Members can enter from 09:30) and closes to all at 18:00

The show opens on Saturday to all from 09:30 and closes at 17:00

How do I find the show2023-05-15T13:22:39+00:00

All the information about how to find us can be found here – Travel Information

Can I purchase tickets on the day?2023-02-07T13:16:51+00:00

You can purchase tickets on the show days from our three ticket gates.

Town Gate entrance on Mary Street (opposite the end of the High Street)
///called.during.dive (Town Gate)

Wilton Gate via Fons George
///shakes.tonic.clear (Wilton Gate)

Mount Gate entrance (near Taunton Deane Cricket Club, reached from Mount Street)
///amount.thinks.nodded (Mount Gate)

Can I show my e-tickets on my phone at the gate?2023-02-07T13:16:57+00:00

Yes, but please ensure you have downloaded it and taken a screen shot before you get to the gate.

Does the show have disabled parking?2023-07-24T08:23:23+00:00

If we are able to offer disabled parking spaces for public, they will be advertised as available nearer the time. Disabled parking will be offered to members first.

Can I re-enter the show after I leave?2023-02-07T13:17:10+00:00

Yes you can, but please make sure you get a re-entry wristband from gate staff before you leave.

Is there vegan/vegetarian food at the show?2023-02-07T13:17:15+00:00

We make sure that all our caterers have vegan and vegetarian options.

Is there a cashpoint at the show?2023-02-07T13:17:21+00:00

Unfortunately we do not have a cash point at the show but the town centre (5 min walk) has many cash points available.

Are carers tickets available?2023-02-07T13:17:26+00:00

We offer a disabled ticket, which is valid for one person and a carer. You can find more information on our tickets page – Tickets

Do children need a ticket?2024-11-20T13:23:08+00:00

Children aged 17 years and under can get free entry into the show but require a ticket, which can be added to a ticket order when purchasing an adult ticket.

Tickets are available here.

Do you have a water point for refilling bottles?2023-02-07T13:17:38+00:00

We are pleased to welcome Wessex Water to our 2023 show with some refill points for water bottles.

Do you have medical support on-site?2023-02-07T13:17:44+00:00

We have fully trained medical staff on site to provide support and assistance.

How do I enter the Competition classes?2024-01-09T18:29:33+00:00

All the information you need about the competition classes and how to enter is here – Competitions

Is Taunton Flower Show an accessible event2024-11-20T13:21:42+00:00

We have facilities across the showground for disabled visitors and aim to make the show as accessible as possible.

All our accessibility information can be found here – Accessibility Information

If you need any further advice or assistance, please contact the show office on info@tauntonfs.co.uk

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