Stand Number | Trader Name | Number | Description | |
R11 | Artie Flora | 07881588585 | info@artieflora.co.uk | https//:www.artieflora.co.uk |
R18 | Barty’s Trading Company | bartystrading@gmail.com | www.bartystrading.co.uk | |
R7, 17 | C m trading | |||
R12 | Cards from Sarah (with Flamingo Paperie) | 01823 275104 | sarah.bonham219@btinternet.com | www.cardsfromsarah.com |
R25 | DREAM BLUE TRADING COMPANY | 07970 678926 | info@dreamblue.co.uk | www.dreamblue.co.uk |
R5 | Emma Darlington Ltd | 01794 885949 | emma@emmadarlington.com | www.emmadarlington.com |
R16 | Grand Interiors | 07740423441 | Grand-interiors@outlook.com | Www.grandinteriors.myshopify.com |
R2 | Harriet Whinney Pearls Ltd | 01823 480550 | pearls@harrietwhinney.com | www.harrietwhinney.com |
R15 | Hestercombe Gardens | 01823 413923 | info@hestercombe.com | https://www.hestercombe.com/ |
R13 | Lonely Toad Studios | 07767159466 | allensilk@yahoo.com | www.lonelytoad.co.uk |
R6 | Nuffield Health Taunton Hospital | 01823 478909 | taunton.enquiries@nuffieldhealth.com | https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/hospitals/taunton |
R24 | Ocean Teak Ltd | 01823478716 | Enquiries@ocean-teak.com | www.ocean-teak.com |
R4 | OscarPet Food | 01404 45437 mobile 07932150248 | neil.stapleton@oscars.co.uk | www.oscar.co.uk |
R14 | RSPB | 01767 693680 | membership@rspb.org.uk | www.rspb.org.uk |
R1 | Sanctuary Supported Living – Elizabeth House | 01823 325533 | elizabeth.house@sanctuary.co.uk | www.sanctuary-housing.co.uk |
R8 | Taunton Brewhouse | 01823 704041 | hannah@tauntonbrewhouse.co.uk | www.tauntonbrewhouse.co.uk |
R10 | Vintage Picker | 07787865729 | Visualgem@hotmail.com | www.vintagepickeruk.com |
R3 | Windows, Doors and More | 07778857758 | shane168@hotmail.co.uk | https://windowsdoorsandmoresp.co.uk/ |
Upper Avenue
Numbers | Name | Number | Website | |
U1 | Taunton Team Chaplaincy | info@tauntontc.co.uk | tauntontc.co.uk | |
U28 | 97.3Apple FM Taunton | 01823 288970 | sales@applefm.co.uk | www.applefm.co.uk |
U13 | A P Kitchen Solutions | sales@apkitchens.co.uk | www.apkitchens.co.uk | |
U7 | BergHOFF Worldwide GB | 02082072228 | sales@berghoffgb.com | www.berghoffgb.com |
U30 | Birch Meadow Landscaping | 01598711824 | edward@birchmeadow.co.uk | www.birchmeadow.co.uk |
U8 | Blakes Coaches Ltd | 01398341160 | info@blakescoaches.co.uk | www.blakescoaches.co.uk |
U12 | Burrow Environmental ltd | 01935 507508 | hello@burrow-environmental.com | www.burrow-environmental.com |
U9 | DU Waterscapes | www.DUwaterscapes.co.uk | ||
U29 | Ferne Animal Sanctuary | 01460 65214 | info@ferneanimalsanctuary.org | www.ferneanimalsanctuary.org/ |
U25 | Greenslade Taylor Hunt | 07721726098 | katie.cross@gth.net | https://www.gth.net/#/ |
U2 | Home Garden and Beyond | 07826925523 | j.cross07@btinternet.com | www.homegardenbeyond.co.uk |
U10 | Light Hearted Ltd | 07708 936923 | sales@light-hearted.co.uk | www.light-hearted.co.uk |
U4 | Nationwide Home Innovations Ltd | 0800 825 0578 | sales@nationwideltd.co.uk | https://www.nationwideltd.co.uk/ |
U21 | Pamper Yourself Now Ltd | 07930331959 | mail@pamperyourselfnow.co.uk | www.pamperyourselfnow.co.uk www.fireworklights.co.uk |
U20 | Paul Prettejohn Garden Machinery | 01823 662656 | paul.prettejohn@btopenworld.com | www.paulprettejohn.co.uk |
U27 | Pure Gardens | 07783 945597 | info.puregardens@gmail.com | |
U24 | Samaritans of Taunton and Somerset | 07834 538702 | taunton.director@samaritans.org | |
U26 | Silver & Sand Jewellery | 07713915411 | info@silverandsand.co.uk | www.silverandsandjewellery.co.uk |
U6 | Sleepmaster therapy | 07971275597 | george.restrick@hotmail.co.uk | www.sleepmastertherapy.co.uk |
U3 | Spillers of Chard Limited | 01460 67878 | data@cookercentre.com | www.cookercentre.com |
U11 | Steve’s Garden Tools and Accessories Ltd | 07887 493622 | stephenburt60@gmail.com | |
U5 | Valentte | 0800 086 9311 | support@valentte.com | www.valentte.com |